Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI), The McClatchy Company (NYSE: MNI) and Tribune Company have been turning our country into a police state. They think they are the only ones with the right to express oneself. I have conducted a 10-month investigation into is rotten and I can prove it. I have been persecuted and censored on Topix since last August. Trolls built 16 attack forums there attacking me and my (liberal) blog, it forced me to shut down my blog. The trolls were stealing content from it, skewing it, and posting it as comments on Topix attack forums along with every form of verbal sadism.
I stayed away from Topix until January, when I was forced to go back there to blog in support of as parcel tax to help our public schools. So few bloggers were willing to face the trolls, yet the Right here, had made it central to their campaign. Via trolls, they were practicing TOTAL manipulated opinion - some trolls would be the nasty racists ones, some appear to be more "normal", yet spew disinformation, and the bully trolls would chase off real-person commentators. The trolls openly affiliate themselves with the tea party.
Take a look at these Topix threads and see for yourself. The Tea Party and Topix are good friends, heck the Tea Party is joining in the victory party with the trolls!:
*PUSD parcel tax appears headed for defeat
*PUSD parcel tax appears headed for defeat
*PUSD parcel tax appears headed for defeat
Check out this Topix thread. The trolls built this attack forum as part of their campaign to defeat the parcel tax, needed and necessary to save our public schools in times of severe cuts in funding. This thread was built as a Topix Poll and is called
*How will PUSD pass the parcel tax
I have been attacked there by trolls since January, they set on me at once. I have not let this stop me. But then Topix tried to stop me by shadow-banning* me, didn't catch it for two weeks. For two weeks I published comments that only I could see. I came back with a new name - I always use my real name and so I used my nick name - and started in again. They tried to shadow ban me again, I simply switched names again.
*Shadow-banning is an extremely unethical form of censorship Topix practices, you can see the comment you write, no one else can. The only way to know you have been shadow-banned, is for a friend on another computer to tell you.
This time they put me on moderated commenting, where my comments would take 5 minutes to appear. They would then alert the trolls, who were given time to prepare a response. By the time my comment published, the troll comment was attached to it.
The Topix trolls also stole my real-name user name - Virginia Olive Hoge - and posted comments with it. This is identity theft! Check out this Topix thread to see Topix name-stealing trolls in full operation:
*Pasadena City Council to hold eminent domain hearing Monday night
Topix practices censorship by encouraging, supporting and refusing to ban, bully-trolls.
Bully-trolls are on Topix threads to bully away commentators.
I saw one blogger for example, an honest one, who wrote after being bullied: "I am leaving and never visiting these threads again" - how many times is that happening daily across the Nation?
I saw another blogger, have his wife and family attacked by trolls, over and over again. He stuck it out, one of the very, very few who do.
I wrote about all I have learned on Topix about their troll encouraging practices - very devious ones, full of programming tricks - ones they do not make public and the Nation does not know about:
*Something way funky is going on over at Topix
With the twittering - these Pasadena Topix threads are now being twittered to the world - Topix has taken me off of moderation and so far, has published every recent comment. I plan to expose Topix to the world. They are so dangerous, it is a danger to our Nation to have free-speech so threatened. Topix is the bubonic plague of the internet!
Mainstream media - including Wired magazine - will not report on them, they have the same owners, it is up to bloggers to spread the word.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Shock Jocks
first published: September 21, 2008]The phenomena of the "shock jock" has often been ignored by the Left and the Media, for the level of danger as a tool of the Right (via the Media) they pose. Sarah Palin, as an astute political observer, knew this. That is why she openly appeared on the Alaskan version of the Howard Stern show, "The Bob and Mark Show". [see Bob's sexually-graphic self-written bio: here]
The internet has been proven to, a lot more quickly access buried, inner (even forgotten) prejudices. It does this by the nature of the extreme privacy it offers. So of course, the right-wing propaganda masters, saw this as the Golden Opportunity of a Lifetime (i.e. unregulated media!). It had the potential to be their "Roman Circus" as indeed, it truly became.
A prominent feature of the Roman Circus' were, blood baths as entertainment. This was where Christians (and plenty of other subgroups) really did get thrown into an arena, surrounded by the deafening cheers of the spectators. The house was always packed, and people were eating and often brought their kids. The Christian/subgroup person, was forced into the arena, where they fought a starving lion, often by hand.
The crowd was not there to cheer that Christian on, no way. The crowd was there to relish in the gore.
Nigel B. Crowther wrote of the Roman Circus, in his book Sport in Ancient Times:
"The circus became a political tool for the emperor to gratify his citizens... By supplying...the games to the large mass of unemployed people, the emperor hoped to control them by directing their emotions into the circus and away from their daily problems."
What better method of directing their emotions away from their daily problems, than via the shock jock, your very own "circus clown", who carries a message of hate. War-mongering, could also fall into this category. Hate-groups as well.
Hence the gaining prominence of legions of "Bobs" (and Aarons and Renes). "Bob" works! and Sarah Palin knows it.
Because "hate" as an emotion, is the equivalent of the gore-watchers. It filled - or more often, created - a base need. It is the emotion that allowed the spectators of the Roman Circus to cheer. This is why Hate is wrong. It is also why the Right tries to stoke it.
I Call This Vile Bullying
[first published: September 19, 2008]
This article appeared in the Pasadena Weekly, our "Alternative" weekly, which basically all of the journalistic community in Southern California has sanctified.
What I mean is, no investigation has been initiated, no investigative journalistic article* or essay, from the thousands of journalists in all of massive Los Angeles... [do you get the picture? its really big] has been written, (written down at least).
*except, by Susan Henderson
Not one elected leader spoke up, at least that I have heard of [I would welcome correcting on this].
Not one religious leader spoke up, at least that I have heard of [I would welcome correcting on this].
Not one artist spoke up, until now, at least that I have heard of [I would welcome correcting on this].
Not even enough criticism even has been issued, from the local "tongues" - i.e. "us"
of this open bullying of our public school district, PUSD, by the Pasadena Weekly as is evidenced by this 2006 article. "Violence of the tongue is very real..." wrote Mother Theresa, "wounding and creating bitterness that only the grace of God can heal".
This article is "violence of the tongue":
• wounding? PUSD - yes. The children of PUSD - yes as well.
• creating bitterness? in the community against PUSD? - yes as well.
mission accomplished.
I call this bullying. I call this writing bash journalism.
I also call this right-wing propaganda [the Right having viciously attacked public education all over the Internet (media!) to an alarming degree. Here "they" are attempting to demean public education via sensationalistic and abusive tabloid media.] This is part of a larger, Southland (and beyond) problem, of an over-abundance of "hate-media" flooding the airwaves.
I also call this, racism.
I also ask why a man who was suing the school district was used as a "source" for articles on the organization he was suing all along.
I also call this, unacceptable.
- - - - - - - - -
"That stuff is going to haunt him for the rest of his life. I just figured the more information people have, the better off we all are. People ought to know what they're getting," Amy said.
Amy made headlines earlier this week when he sued the district for not releasing documents regarding the PUSD's All-Star Marching Band in this year's Rose Parade.
Going through withdrawal
Clark takes himself out of the running for Cleveland schools CEO post
By André Coleman
Pasadena Unified School District Superintendent Percy Clark's harshest critic may be responsible for Clark staying in Pasadena, at least for the time being.
Clark has withdrawn his name as a candidate for the CEO position at the Cleveland Municipal School District after members of a search team there learned of a sex and drug scandal involving Clark when he worked in the Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township in Indianapolis.
Rene Amy, who runs an Internet listserve on education, said he contacted the Cleveland Plain Dealer after reading stories in that paper about Clark's candidacy and told a reporter where to find stories about incidents that cost Clark his superintendent's position in Lawrence Township.
"I guess I should have kept my little mouth shut," Amy said.
Amy said he wasn't shocked that Clark had withdrawn his application for the job in Cleveland, a hiring competition in which Clark placed in the top five of 38 candidates.
"That stuff is going to haunt him for the rest of his life. I just figured the more information people have, the better off we all are. People ought to know what they're getting," Amy said.
Clark did not return calls for comment.
Schools spokeswoman Janet Pope Givens confirmed Clark has withdrawn his candidacy for the Cleveland job, but would not elaborate.
According to one source who asked not to be identified, Clark withdrew from the running shortly after a reporter with the Plain Dealer called Clark to inquire about a drug overdose he suffered following public exposure of his affair with a Lawrence school district subordinate. Clark worked in Lawrence Township from 1982 to 1996.
In Pasadena, Clark came under intense fire after the Board of Education unanimously voted to follow his recommendation to shutter four elementary schools to close a $6.5 million budget deficit. Layoffs and cutbacks were all part of a budget-cutting process sparked by a severe decline in enrollment. Then, in December, the Altadena Town Council had its Education Subcommittee investigate the possibility of seceding from the PUSD.
Marvin Edwards, a member of Hazard, Young and Attea Associates, the firm heading up the search for a new CEO for Cleveland schools, confirmed Clark's withdrawal, but declined to elaborate.
Two people who were interviewed by the executive headhunting firm said they spoke of the affair and the subsequent drug overdose, which was covered extensively by the Indianapolis Star.
Amy made headlines earlier this week when he sued the district for not releasing documents regarding the PUSD's All-Star Marching Band in this year's Rose Parade.
© 2007 Southland Publishing, All Rights Reserved. Development and Hosting
This article appeared in the Pasadena Weekly, our "Alternative" weekly, which basically all of the journalistic community in Southern California has sanctified.
What I mean is, no investigation has been initiated, no investigative journalistic article* or essay, from the thousands of journalists in all of massive Los Angeles... [do you get the picture? its really big] has been written, (written down at least).
*except, by Susan Henderson
Not one elected leader spoke up, at least that I have heard of [I would welcome correcting on this].
Not one religious leader spoke up, at least that I have heard of [I would welcome correcting on this].
Not one artist spoke up, until now, at least that I have heard of [I would welcome correcting on this].
Not even enough criticism even has been issued, from the local "tongues" - i.e. "us"
of this open bullying of our public school district, PUSD, by the Pasadena Weekly as is evidenced by this 2006 article. "Violence of the tongue is very real..." wrote Mother Theresa, "wounding and creating bitterness that only the grace of God can heal".
This article is "violence of the tongue":
• wounding? PUSD - yes. The children of PUSD - yes as well.
• creating bitterness? in the community against PUSD? - yes as well.
mission accomplished.
I call this bullying. I call this writing bash journalism.
I also call this right-wing propaganda [the Right having viciously attacked public education all over the Internet (media!) to an alarming degree. Here "they" are attempting to demean public education via sensationalistic and abusive tabloid media.] This is part of a larger, Southland (and beyond) problem, of an over-abundance of "hate-media" flooding the airwaves.
I also call this, racism.
I also ask why a man who was suing the school district was used as a "source" for articles on the organization he was suing all along.
I also call this, unacceptable.
- - - - - - - - -
"That stuff is going to haunt him for the rest of his life. I just figured the more information people have, the better off we all are. People ought to know what they're getting," Amy said.
Amy made headlines earlier this week when he sued the district for not releasing documents regarding the PUSD's All-Star Marching Band in this year's Rose Parade.
Going through withdrawal
Clark takes himself out of the running for Cleveland schools CEO post
By André Coleman
Pasadena Unified School District Superintendent Percy Clark's harshest critic may be responsible for Clark staying in Pasadena, at least for the time being.
Clark has withdrawn his name as a candidate for the CEO position at the Cleveland Municipal School District after members of a search team there learned of a sex and drug scandal involving Clark when he worked in the Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township in Indianapolis.
Rene Amy, who runs an Internet listserve on education, said he contacted the Cleveland Plain Dealer after reading stories in that paper about Clark's candidacy and told a reporter where to find stories about incidents that cost Clark his superintendent's position in Lawrence Township.
"I guess I should have kept my little mouth shut," Amy said.
Amy said he wasn't shocked that Clark had withdrawn his application for the job in Cleveland, a hiring competition in which Clark placed in the top five of 38 candidates.
"That stuff is going to haunt him for the rest of his life. I just figured the more information people have, the better off we all are. People ought to know what they're getting," Amy said.
Clark did not return calls for comment.
Schools spokeswoman Janet Pope Givens confirmed Clark has withdrawn his candidacy for the Cleveland job, but would not elaborate.
According to one source who asked not to be identified, Clark withdrew from the running shortly after a reporter with the Plain Dealer called Clark to inquire about a drug overdose he suffered following public exposure of his affair with a Lawrence school district subordinate. Clark worked in Lawrence Township from 1982 to 1996.
In Pasadena, Clark came under intense fire after the Board of Education unanimously voted to follow his recommendation to shutter four elementary schools to close a $6.5 million budget deficit. Layoffs and cutbacks were all part of a budget-cutting process sparked by a severe decline in enrollment. Then, in December, the Altadena Town Council had its Education Subcommittee investigate the possibility of seceding from the PUSD.
Marvin Edwards, a member of Hazard, Young and Attea Associates, the firm heading up the search for a new CEO for Cleveland schools, confirmed Clark's withdrawal, but declined to elaborate.
Two people who were interviewed by the executive headhunting firm said they spoke of the affair and the subsequent drug overdose, which was covered extensively by the Indianapolis Star.
Amy made headlines earlier this week when he sued the district for not releasing documents regarding the PUSD's All-Star Marching Band in this year's Rose Parade.
© 2007 Southland Publishing, All Rights Reserved. Development and Hosting
World Wise?? Updated
[first published: Septemeber 18, 2008]
(Images: Reporters Without Borders handcuff graphic on Notre Dame, ad from the 9/15/08 issue of the New Yorker, handcuff graphic again in large city)
The latest issue of the New Yorker, dated September 15, 2008, clearly illustrates the extent to which this great Liberal magazine has declined.
The above is a full-page ad for Morgan Stanley from the issue [which looks something like their Absolute Vodka ads, the association no doubt intended]. The latest news on Morgan Stanley is here: which reports that Morgan Stanley is losing a lot of money and is weighing a merger with Wachovia Corp. or several other banks [which ones, who knows?].
Not one word in the entire magazine mentions the financial Volcano about to erupt from beneath the sidewalks of the New Yorker's namesake, identity and hometown.
[Note - the following paragraph refers to an article that was removed by FreeRepublic after the post was published. The article (minus the "Freeper" community comments) was also published here in The Atlantic Monthly ]
Instead, they publish yet another China "bashing/bullying" (New Yorker style) article by Peter Hessler (The Home Team) who, surprise surprise, is yet another journalist publishing on FreeRepublic, a blog so conservative that Jim Jordan, a strategist for independent Democratic groups opposed to Bush, calls it "a bastion of right-wing lunacy". [see Hessler's article on FreeRepublic here. - Note, article removed by FreeRepublic]
With much guile, Hessler criticizes the Chinese for being overly afraid someone was going to hang a political banner up on the Great Wall and photograph it to send the image all over the world, via the Internet, as bad publicity.
That already happened! on facades as historic as Notre Dame (see images) - executed by Reporters Without Borders. They had reason to be afraid it was going to happen again. Can you see why I believe that this issue has been used as a cover-up by the Media for crimes happening in our own backyard?
But why should the New Yorker participate in that?
A Day For Crying
[first published: September 11, 2008]
by Virginia Hoge, 9-11-08
As a 9/11 eye-witness, it is impossible to speak about this event today, its 7th year anniversary, without speaking of the HORROR that has followed in its wake.
I do not blame the conspiracy theorists (although I do not believe them) for saying that 9/11 was "planned".
It sure seems like it! I mean just LOOK at the unbelievable advancement of the Right - riding happily, and with great evil, on the "coat-tails" of this historic event.
They took FULL advantage of it many ways including:
Starting a disastrous and deadly war that has murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people including children. It has maimed for life hundreds of thousands of others, leaving pained "walking shells" to face the rest of their lives (and often they are young), filled with suffering.
This is HORRIBLE!!
This is so sad and so sick, I could (and possibly should) stop right there, but I am not going to. Because I was there.
I was standing on the corner of 6th Avenue and 11 Street, the morning of September 11, 2001. I had just dropped my kids off at their school, PS 41 in Greenwich Village from our home in Brooklyn (yes, we took the train each morning and yes, this was stupid!!). A lady at the front door of the school who I hardly knew said "a plane just hit the World Trade Center". "Yeah, right" was my impression. But walking towards the corner, I noticed a crowd looking South, on this especially clear New York Fall day. I (of course) joined the crowd of gawkers - who normally would be looking at an automobile accident. But this was no automobile accident.
A large, airplane-shaped hole filled almost the entire span of the Northern face of the north World Trade Tower (Tower 1). Black smoke poured furiously out of that hole, from a building that rose as high up into the sky as fireworks. The smoke headed straight East, driven in a line by a strong wind, forming an upside-down "L" shape in the cerulean horizon .
Now some people actually left the scene and sensibly went to work. But I (never having been sensible) was riveted to my spot, and stayed. Suddenly, the South Tower burst into flames, right around the middle of the building. Now I wish I could say that this somehow looked like something I had never seen before, but this is not true. It looked exactly like a Hollywood explosion (which, I am sure, gives the conspiracy theorist's yet more "fuel" as I said, I cannot blame them.).
"Ok" I said to myself "get the kids out of school" and headed back to the school to retrieve my kids. Their teachers released them quickly, seeing my ashen face. But in true teacher fashion, calmly. Grabbing each of their hands (my son was in 1st grade, my daughter in 4th) we quickly walked towards the train while the clearly visible, smoking TWO massive towers rose high above us. Now, it seems like those kids would have been crying, but that is not the case. Children, Thank God, are sheltered in early life by a self-obsession that conceals the World's evils from them, at least to some extent.
They could have cared less, and were happy to be leaving school early. We grabbed an F train, knowing it would avoid lower Manhattan. (Later, I heard stories of people coming up from the C train entrance to falling bodies). We caught the last train out of there.
Now I would have expected to be saying here that the train was filled with crying, hysterical people, but that was not the case. The train had the usual heedless, half-asleep and extremely guarded people you always encounter on a subway train. I was babbling to my kids (scared half out of my wits!) and I am sure people over-heard me, but all I got was the one eye peaking up, then a second later, down - the usual!!
By the time we reached Brooklyn, Tower 1 had just fallen.
Climbing to the top of the (steep) Greene Ave exit, Fort Greene Brooklyn exit, gypsy cab drivers were parked all along Flatbush with groups of people gathered round, heads hung low, car radios blaring through open car doors, listening to the bad news.
Speaking of bad news, the Right has advanced so far into our local media, am I the only one scared? Nationwide also, but here, and here we can still do something about it.
Which brings to to my conclusion (enough already, right?). This event has been completely misinterpreted by the Right. I was there. The minute that tower exploded, I KNEW what this meant, this and nothing else, that this was where Hate leads.
This was where Hate leads. The perpetrators of 9/11 HATED the U.S. enough to die and kill for that hate. Why is this? Because Hate is the parent of Violence.
This is the message of 9/11, that Hate is wrong! Not to create MORE Hate, which is exactly what the Right has done in countless ways.
And on that morning 7 years ago, not so long from the very moment I am writing this, I knew instantly that my (and our) responsibility is to fight Hate, and not the hate we find over-seas, but the hate we find right here in our "own backyard".
That is where the redeeming message of 9/11, lies still buried.
Lets unearth it, in this, the year 7.
by Virginia Hoge, 9-11-08
As a 9/11 eye-witness, it is impossible to speak about this event today, its 7th year anniversary, without speaking of the HORROR that has followed in its wake.
I do not blame the conspiracy theorists (although I do not believe them) for saying that 9/11 was "planned".
It sure seems like it! I mean just LOOK at the unbelievable advancement of the Right - riding happily, and with great evil, on the "coat-tails" of this historic event.
They took FULL advantage of it many ways including:
Starting a disastrous and deadly war that has murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people including children. It has maimed for life hundreds of thousands of others, leaving pained "walking shells" to face the rest of their lives (and often they are young), filled with suffering.
This is HORRIBLE!!
This is so sad and so sick, I could (and possibly should) stop right there, but I am not going to. Because I was there.
I was standing on the corner of 6th Avenue and 11 Street, the morning of September 11, 2001. I had just dropped my kids off at their school, PS 41 in Greenwich Village from our home in Brooklyn (yes, we took the train each morning and yes, this was stupid!!). A lady at the front door of the school who I hardly knew said "a plane just hit the World Trade Center". "Yeah, right" was my impression. But walking towards the corner, I noticed a crowd looking South, on this especially clear New York Fall day. I (of course) joined the crowd of gawkers - who normally would be looking at an automobile accident. But this was no automobile accident.
A large, airplane-shaped hole filled almost the entire span of the Northern face of the north World Trade Tower (Tower 1). Black smoke poured furiously out of that hole, from a building that rose as high up into the sky as fireworks. The smoke headed straight East, driven in a line by a strong wind, forming an upside-down "L" shape in the cerulean horizon .
Now some people actually left the scene and sensibly went to work. But I (never having been sensible) was riveted to my spot, and stayed. Suddenly, the South Tower burst into flames, right around the middle of the building. Now I wish I could say that this somehow looked like something I had never seen before, but this is not true. It looked exactly like a Hollywood explosion (which, I am sure, gives the conspiracy theorist's yet more "fuel" as I said, I cannot blame them.).
"Ok" I said to myself "get the kids out of school" and headed back to the school to retrieve my kids. Their teachers released them quickly, seeing my ashen face. But in true teacher fashion, calmly. Grabbing each of their hands (my son was in 1st grade, my daughter in 4th) we quickly walked towards the train while the clearly visible, smoking TWO massive towers rose high above us. Now, it seems like those kids would have been crying, but that is not the case. Children, Thank God, are sheltered in early life by a self-obsession that conceals the World's evils from them, at least to some extent.
They could have cared less, and were happy to be leaving school early. We grabbed an F train, knowing it would avoid lower Manhattan. (Later, I heard stories of people coming up from the C train entrance to falling bodies). We caught the last train out of there.
Now I would have expected to be saying here that the train was filled with crying, hysterical people, but that was not the case. The train had the usual heedless, half-asleep and extremely guarded people you always encounter on a subway train. I was babbling to my kids (scared half out of my wits!) and I am sure people over-heard me, but all I got was the one eye peaking up, then a second later, down - the usual!!
By the time we reached Brooklyn, Tower 1 had just fallen.
Climbing to the top of the (steep) Greene Ave exit, Fort Greene Brooklyn exit, gypsy cab drivers were parked all along Flatbush with groups of people gathered round, heads hung low, car radios blaring through open car doors, listening to the bad news.
Speaking of bad news, the Right has advanced so far into our local media, am I the only one scared? Nationwide also, but here, and here we can still do something about it.
Which brings to to my conclusion (enough already, right?). This event has been completely misinterpreted by the Right. I was there. The minute that tower exploded, I KNEW what this meant, this and nothing else, that this was where Hate leads.
This was where Hate leads. The perpetrators of 9/11 HATED the U.S. enough to die and kill for that hate. Why is this? Because Hate is the parent of Violence.
This is the message of 9/11, that Hate is wrong! Not to create MORE Hate, which is exactly what the Right has done in countless ways.
And on that morning 7 years ago, not so long from the very moment I am writing this, I knew instantly that my (and our) responsibility is to fight Hate, and not the hate we find over-seas, but the hate we find right here in our "own backyard".
That is where the redeeming message of 9/11, lies still buried.
Lets unearth it, in this, the year 7.
The Pasadena Weekly Sticks Its Foot In Its Mouth, Again
[first published: September 4, 2008]
Since no one's managed to shut me down, yet, I might as well get on with it.
So many recent issues of the Pasadena Weekly have contained half-truths and outright lies about PUSD, I could be writing a lot more columns just to keep up with them. None of this is acceptable, and it is fair to say that this publication abandoned their journalistic ethics somewhere down on Route 66.
But out of all of the ugliness issuing forth from "our" Pasadena Weekly recently, nothing rang more false [nor contained such hidden racism], than this sanctimonious article:
Hate by the numbers
Black/brown tensions likely to rise as hate crimes climb across the board
By Andre Coleman and Kevin Uhrich
First of all, lets check out the subject(s) of this article: Black/brown participation in hate crimes.
Black/Brown participation? Come on!
This paper has a lot of nerve. For years they have been the perpetrators of hate crimes against black/brown people, by their nasty, biased, right-wing extremist sourced, untrue and even profane, coverage of PUSD - schools filled with black and brown children!
When you point right-wing extremist sourced misinformation the way of children in the pages of your paper, thats called Hate!
I wrote here about the double-standards for right wing hate speech in general, an article by Glenn Greenwald.
"...hate-speech needs to be given a correct label, and that label is "Violence":
"Violence of the tongue is very real—sharper than any knife, wounding and creating bitterness that only the grace of God can heal."
- Mother Theresa
....our local media focuses on "gang violence" - and in the process, condemns people of color.
There is so much hate and vulgarity in the very blogs that our media link to and source,
imagine for one second if these blogs were run by Black Power groups or Latino activist groups, the hate on them would be IMMEDIATELY censored.
Yet the fact that hate-blogging is a white, middle class phenomena, protects them."
I could list more articles in the Pasadena Weekly sourced by Rene Amy, but here is an especially nasty one.
This article openly chronicles and applauds Rene Amy's dirty trick victory over Dr. Percy Clark, former superintendent of PUSD:
Clark takes himself out of the running for Cleveland schools CEO post
By André Coleman
"Pasadena Unified School District Superintendent Percy Clark's harshest critic may be responsible for Clark staying in Pasadena, at least for the time being.
Clark has withdrawn his name as a candidate for the CEO position at the Cleveland Municipal School District after members of a search team there learned of a sex and drug scandal involving Clark when he worked in the Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township in Indianapolis.
Rene Amy, who runs an Internet listserve on education, said he contacted the Cleveland Plain Dealer after reading stories in that paper about Clark's candidacy and told a reporter where to find stories about incidents that cost Clark his superintendent's position in Lawrence Township.
"I guess I should have kept my little mouth shut," Amy said."
[are Rene Amy and the Pasadena Weekly "having fun" here? at the sake of our public schools? Hoo-yah?]
Since no one's managed to shut me down, yet, I might as well get on with it.
So many recent issues of the Pasadena Weekly have contained half-truths and outright lies about PUSD, I could be writing a lot more columns just to keep up with them. None of this is acceptable, and it is fair to say that this publication abandoned their journalistic ethics somewhere down on Route 66.
But out of all of the ugliness issuing forth from "our" Pasadena Weekly recently, nothing rang more false [nor contained such hidden racism], than this sanctimonious article:
Hate by the numbers
Black/brown tensions likely to rise as hate crimes climb across the board
By Andre Coleman and Kevin Uhrich
First of all, lets check out the subject(s) of this article: Black/brown participation in hate crimes.
Black/Brown participation? Come on!
This paper has a lot of nerve. For years they have been the perpetrators of hate crimes against black/brown people, by their nasty, biased, right-wing extremist sourced, untrue and even profane, coverage of PUSD - schools filled with black and brown children!
When you point right-wing extremist sourced misinformation the way of children in the pages of your paper, thats called Hate!
I wrote here about the double-standards for right wing hate speech in general, an article by Glenn Greenwald.
"...hate-speech needs to be given a correct label, and that label is "Violence":
"Violence of the tongue is very real—sharper than any knife, wounding and creating bitterness that only the grace of God can heal."
- Mother Theresa
....our local media focuses on "gang violence" - and in the process, condemns people of color.
There is so much hate and vulgarity in the very blogs that our media link to and source,
imagine for one second if these blogs were run by Black Power groups or Latino activist groups, the hate on them would be IMMEDIATELY censored.
Yet the fact that hate-blogging is a white, middle class phenomena, protects them."
I could list more articles in the Pasadena Weekly sourced by Rene Amy, but here is an especially nasty one.
This article openly chronicles and applauds Rene Amy's dirty trick victory over Dr. Percy Clark, former superintendent of PUSD:
Clark takes himself out of the running for Cleveland schools CEO post
By André Coleman
"Pasadena Unified School District Superintendent Percy Clark's harshest critic may be responsible for Clark staying in Pasadena, at least for the time being.
Clark has withdrawn his name as a candidate for the CEO position at the Cleveland Municipal School District after members of a search team there learned of a sex and drug scandal involving Clark when he worked in the Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township in Indianapolis.
Rene Amy, who runs an Internet listserve on education, said he contacted the Cleveland Plain Dealer after reading stories in that paper about Clark's candidacy and told a reporter where to find stories about incidents that cost Clark his superintendent's position in Lawrence Township.
"I guess I should have kept my little mouth shut," Amy said."
[are Rene Amy and the Pasadena Weekly "having fun" here? at the sake of our public schools? Hoo-yah?]
[first published: August 28, 2008]
(image: Obama screenprint, available at
I have read much of the liberal commentary and the very valid fears of Obama's running mate and both of their murky statements about the war/future wars. These are not to be taken lightly, and Biden had better not be another Cheney!
That said, last night was history. Obama is America’s first African-American presidential nominee from a major political party. Millions of people are really happy today and they have a right to be!! 300 years of slavery, 100 more of Jim Crow "laws" enforcing segregation. The Civil Right movement happens, and people are all-too-happy to say "its all over now", not acknowledging that Martin Luther King was just the very beginning of change to centuries-old institutions, and more importantly, centuries-old entrenched prejudices.
Obama's victory represents a groundbreaking change to attitudes in this country about Race, and that is a victory for our country.
(image: Obama screenprint, available at
I have read much of the liberal commentary and the very valid fears of Obama's running mate and both of their murky statements about the war/future wars. These are not to be taken lightly, and Biden had better not be another Cheney!
That said, last night was history. Obama is America’s first African-American presidential nominee from a major political party. Millions of people are really happy today and they have a right to be!! 300 years of slavery, 100 more of Jim Crow "laws" enforcing segregation. The Civil Right movement happens, and people are all-too-happy to say "its all over now", not acknowledging that Martin Luther King was just the very beginning of change to centuries-old institutions, and more importantly, centuries-old entrenched prejudices.
Obama's victory represents a groundbreaking change to attitudes in this country about Race, and that is a victory for our country.
Why Is Paul Little the President of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce?
[first published: August 27, 2008]
Whoever had the idea of hiring Paul Little as the President of the Chamber of Commerce? The Chamber states as its mission to be: "an effective economic and political force for our membership".
They sure didn't listen to our own Doo Dah Parade experts. From the Star News:
For the second year in a row....Paul Little has been named the Thorny Rose of the annual Pasadena Doo Dah Parade. [Here are some of the reasons they gave]
"Every mayor and every council member in every city between Pasadena and Claremont hates his bloody guts,'" ...
"His hard- headed, obnoxious, pushy and arrogant demeanor puts him at the top of everyone's hit list.'
True, the Chamber has long had a conservative bent, and pushiness could be seen as an asset [in business]. Still, conservative never meant "crazy" and the question needs to be asked:
did Paul Little's blogging history ever come up in the interview?
For Paul Little is a blogging fiend. He was/is a regular blogger on Rene Amy's blog(s). Don't take my word for it,
Gene Maddaus wrote in 2005 in the Star News that :
"Little sometimes posts four or five times a day [on greatschools]. He has many opinions, some of them strident, but he has never sought anonymity in expressing them. Quite the contrary."
In Amy's blog, Little had found his "niche". He didn't need to worry, after-all, about raising eyebrows at the Council. "It is true" wrote Maddaus again "that many of the council members hold the PUSD administration in a degree of disdain."
Amy used the media medium as a hybrid of the diary with the tabloid - alongside a Blog's irresistible "pull" - the Comments section where readers could write in their own opinions [or, more frequently on greatschools, spew their own venom]. Despite Little's [published] claims that he wrote to the blog "to offer a second opinion", Little's true opinions jived just fine with Amy's - as this raunchy quote illustrates:
"When PUSD was asking for money,' said Councilman Paul Little, "I told people that's akin to going away and leaving your alcoholic brother-in-law with the keys to the bar." [is Little trying to be funny here? Is he "having fun" at the sake of our public schools??]
Little had no problem with the ethics of Amy's blog, ethics that would eventually get it shut down by Yahoo groups. Here he is quoted from a Star News article by Gary Scott on Rene Amy's anti-semitic Clarkowitz campaign [the Star News slapped Amy once in awhile to distance themselves from him, publicly at least].
[A posting of Rene Amy's] call[ed] for posting the words "Arbeit Macht Frei" above any expanded high school continuation campus that might be established by the district.
How does Little respond to that?
City Councilman Paul Little said although posts on Greatschools could occasionally be in "bad taste," it was an important forum.
Little has thrived in the growing conservative blog community [plenty of whom find bashing PUSD is "having fun"] of the San Gabriel Valley - visiting several blogs a day and even signing on as a Contributor for one, the Pasadena Political Underbelly [though I noticed his name is now down]. It was here I found him last Fall, only it took a little while.
While investigating the local right-wing blogs, I happened upon an astoundingly racist blog post, so racist that the anonymous blogger advocated sterilizing poor black women! It was only later I realized that one of the participants "Paul the Talker Guy" was actually Paul Little, President of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce! I wrote about it here:
And who was the "Guest" interviewee in a recent Aaron Proctor's PW column? none other than Paul Little. The two are blogging pals.
Whoever had the idea of hiring Paul Little as the President of the Chamber of Commerce? The Chamber states as its mission to be: "an effective economic and political force for our membership".
They sure didn't listen to our own Doo Dah Parade experts. From the Star News:
For the second year in a row....Paul Little has been named the Thorny Rose of the annual Pasadena Doo Dah Parade. [Here are some of the reasons they gave]
"Every mayor and every council member in every city between Pasadena and Claremont hates his bloody guts,'" ...
"His hard- headed, obnoxious, pushy and arrogant demeanor puts him at the top of everyone's hit list.'
True, the Chamber has long had a conservative bent, and pushiness could be seen as an asset [in business]. Still, conservative never meant "crazy" and the question needs to be asked:
did Paul Little's blogging history ever come up in the interview?
For Paul Little is a blogging fiend. He was/is a regular blogger on Rene Amy's blog(s). Don't take my word for it,
Gene Maddaus wrote in 2005 in the Star News that :
"Little sometimes posts four or five times a day [on greatschools]. He has many opinions, some of them strident, but he has never sought anonymity in expressing them. Quite the contrary."
In Amy's blog, Little had found his "niche". He didn't need to worry, after-all, about raising eyebrows at the Council. "It is true" wrote Maddaus again "that many of the council members hold the PUSD administration in a degree of disdain."
Amy used the media medium as a hybrid of the diary with the tabloid - alongside a Blog's irresistible "pull" - the Comments section where readers could write in their own opinions [or, more frequently on greatschools, spew their own venom]. Despite Little's [published] claims that he wrote to the blog "to offer a second opinion", Little's true opinions jived just fine with Amy's - as this raunchy quote illustrates:
"When PUSD was asking for money,' said Councilman Paul Little, "I told people that's akin to going away and leaving your alcoholic brother-in-law with the keys to the bar." [is Little trying to be funny here? Is he "having fun" at the sake of our public schools??]
Little had no problem with the ethics of Amy's blog, ethics that would eventually get it shut down by Yahoo groups. Here he is quoted from a Star News article by Gary Scott on Rene Amy's anti-semitic Clarkowitz campaign [the Star News slapped Amy once in awhile to distance themselves from him, publicly at least].
[A posting of Rene Amy's] call[ed] for posting the words "Arbeit Macht Frei" above any expanded high school continuation campus that might be established by the district.
How does Little respond to that?
City Councilman Paul Little said although posts on Greatschools could occasionally be in "bad taste," it was an important forum.
Little has thrived in the growing conservative blog community [plenty of whom find bashing PUSD is "having fun"] of the San Gabriel Valley - visiting several blogs a day and even signing on as a Contributor for one, the Pasadena Political Underbelly [though I noticed his name is now down]. It was here I found him last Fall, only it took a little while.
While investigating the local right-wing blogs, I happened upon an astoundingly racist blog post, so racist that the anonymous blogger advocated sterilizing poor black women! It was only later I realized that one of the participants "Paul the Talker Guy" was actually Paul Little, President of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce! I wrote about it here:
And who was the "Guest" interviewee in a recent Aaron Proctor's PW column? none other than Paul Little. The two are blogging pals.
Propaganda From Aaron P
[first published: August 22, 2008]
Its not hard to figure out, exactly what Aaron Proctor is doing with his blog (as are countless others on the Internet, including his pal Rene Amy over at PUSDgreatschools). He is dispensing right-wing Propaganda.
He sends it out, all over the damn place! I can't even count how many places Proctor posts on the Net. (No wonder they are finding him so useful!). Aaron Proctor IS very, very "useful" - IF your goal is to spread right-wing propaganda throughout the Southland and beyond.
The Internet is like a super-duper-duplicator machine that spreads "information" faster than EVER before! I mean, nothing can even compare to the ease to which information is shared with millions of people all over the place.
The massive change this represents for our Media in terms of sheer volume - when it comes to the spreading and more importantly BELIEVING of Information - has not yet even had the time to be properly researched. But I believe we are in for one Hell of a surprise, when those results are published.
But to get back to my main point, does anybody else out there besides myself think it is not such a great thing for Pasadena, that the "King" our local blogsphere, is...
...dispensing right-wing propaganda?*
What kind of looniness is this?
And what kind of looney "Alternative" weekly would let THIS guy write for them??
* that viciously attacks our schools along with other Liberal "targets"
Its not hard to figure out, exactly what Aaron Proctor is doing with his blog (as are countless others on the Internet, including his pal Rene Amy over at PUSDgreatschools). He is dispensing right-wing Propaganda.
He sends it out, all over the damn place! I can't even count how many places Proctor posts on the Net. (No wonder they are finding him so useful!). Aaron Proctor IS very, very "useful" - IF your goal is to spread right-wing propaganda throughout the Southland and beyond.
The Internet is like a super-duper-duplicator machine that spreads "information" faster than EVER before! I mean, nothing can even compare to the ease to which information is shared with millions of people all over the place.
The massive change this represents for our Media in terms of sheer volume - when it comes to the spreading and more importantly BELIEVING of Information - has not yet even had the time to be properly researched. But I believe we are in for one Hell of a surprise, when those results are published.
But to get back to my main point, does anybody else out there besides myself think it is not such a great thing for Pasadena, that the "King" our local blogsphere, is...
...dispensing right-wing propaganda?*
What kind of looniness is this?
And what kind of looney "Alternative" weekly would let THIS guy write for them??
* that viciously attacks our schools along with other Liberal "targets"
[first published: August 7, 2008]
Here is how FreeRepublic describes itself:
"Free Republic is the premier online gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web. We're working to roll back decades of governmental largesse, to root out political fraud and corruption, and to champion causes which further conservatism in America. And we always have fun doing it. Hoo-yah!"
Hoo-yah? is this site based in Texas or something? [nope, Fresno]. And what does FreeRepublic mean by "we always have fun doing it"? They mean publishing the "best" in sneering, destructive, bash-journalism and commenting available on the Unregulated Internet - thereby giving conservatives lots and lots of stuff to laugh at (Hoo-yah!), which is also shared among peers and a wide audience on the internet.
This website/blog has, sadly to report, become very popular in the Southland.
More needs to be said about FreeRepublic, and its connection to our local, liberal journalists and our newspapers.
Jim Jordan, a strategist for independent Democratic groups opposed to Bush, calls FreeRepublic nothing less than "a bastion of right-wing lunacy".
The New York Observer calls it: "the fiery online conservative forum" and a "controversial site", even among conservative bloggers!
Meanwhile, their name alone is a mis-nomer, since the site has been "outed" for Censorship [which means, good-bye to "Free"-speech!]
So who turns up in this conservative "bastion of lunacy" but several of our prominent Liberal journalists, including Steve Lopez [aren't they making a film of his book?] and Pasadena's own liberal journalist-in-residence, Larry Wilson.
Wilson is, however, in "good" company over at the [not-so-]FreeRepublic.
For instance, LA Observed [no surprise to me since I "outed" Kevin Roderick openly sourcing an anonymous blogger in HIS post bashing Pasadena Now. He even gives anonymous bloggers a pet name on his blog: "Anony-bloggers"] has been openly swaping stories with them at least since 2003.
Local journalists participating in a fiery online conservative forum? a forum that openly states its Mission: to champion causes which further conservatism in America? for years?
does this add up? or, yeah it adds up, to a whole lot of trouble for readers looking for the truth and fairness in Southland journalism.
What are prominent Southland "liberal" journalists doing furthering conservatism in America? And how often is that done by attacking our public schools?
Having fun?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Steve Lopez: The design of L.A. Unified's new arts high school is convoluted and costly
[first published: August 6, 2008]
[Reprinted from the Los Angeles Times and FreeRepublic]
More needs to be said about this sneer-to-excess Steve Lopez article bashing, again, L.A. Unified School District - linked to here, not on the Los Angeles Times website, oh no. Look what we have here? The article comes up second on a Google search here - on the Free Republic.
Here is how Free Republic describes itself
"Free Republic is the premier online gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web. We're working to roll back decades of governmental largesse, to root out political fraud and corruption, and to champion causes which further conservatism in America. And we always have fun doing it. Hoo-yah!"*
"Hoo-yah"?? - what, are we at a Rodeo or something? Well, no wonder if their goal is to "further conservatism in America"
By the way, this website made the papers recently when they banned Giuliani supporters from their blog!
FreeRepublic is referred to here in the New York Observer article as: "the fiery online conservative forum" and a "controversial site" - even among conservative bloggers!
"Over the past few weeks, chaos has reigned in the “Freeper” community as members sympathetic to the former mayor's candidacy claim to have suffered banishment from the site. They were victimized, they say, by a wave of purges designed to weed out any remaining support for the Giuliani campaign on the popular conservative web forum."
A "mission" to further conservatism in America? Is this what Steve Lopez, well-known Liberal columnist, is doing? Is this what the Los Angeles Times is doing?
I'm just asking.
Two more important points, Steve Lopez is dead-wrong here. This design is fantastic! And completely appropriate for the premier public arts high school in massive Los Angeles! Secondly, the cost is NOTHING compared to several recent development "lemons" in the Southland area.
The design of L.A. Unified's new arts high school is convoluted and costly
by Steve Lopez
From the Los Angeles Times
May 4 2008
"What is it?" Kelly Charles asked as he walked to his job as a custodian in downtown Los Angeles and gazed up at a rather odd construction project. "A roller coaster?"
As I wandered the neighborhood, other guesses were:
A ski jump.
A toboggan run.
A water slide. [hmm, is Lopez "having fun" here? - the FreeRepublic way?]
What's got everyone talking is the odd-looking tower that rises 140 feet above the 101 Freeway, directly across from the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. The futuristic metallic edifice, with a wraparound spiral Dr. Seuss would love, is not part of a theme park. It is the signature adornment on a new arts-oriented public high school that will cost roughly $230 million.
That's far more than the going rate for a more conventional school, but district officials argue that they already owned the site of the former L.A. Unified headquarters. Sure, but aren't these tough times for public schools? Aren't school districts facing huge cuts? Aren't many aging schools in disrepair?
You have to wonder how this will sit with parents who are being asked to contribute several hundred dollars per student to cover programs and staff members that tax dollars used to fund.
David Tokofsky, a former school board member, said he isn't opposed to a bit of a flair on an arts-oriented campus. But given all the budget problems -- not to mention the flailing administration of L.A. Supt. and Navy Adm. David L. Brewer -- the project "just looks like an absurdity," in Tokofsky's words.
Personally, I thought the big log flume was the latest improvement on the disastrous employee payroll system in L.A. Unified. Weekly pay could be sent down the chutes to teachers below, and whatever cash doesn't blow over Chinatown or fly into Cardinal Roger M. Mahony's belfry could be pocketed by teachers.
Come to think of it, stringing a tightrope from the school tower to the cathedral wouldn't be a bad idea. Priests and administrators accused of wrongdoing or coverups could creep across the treacherous divide. Those who land safely in the cathedral's reflecting pool shall be considered saved.
Tokofsky said he likes thinking of the school as the admiral's ark, since Brewer seems to be collecting two of everything as his administration takes on water.
"He's got two superintendents now," Tokofsky said, counting Brewer and the recent hire of ex-superintendent Ramon Cortines, who seems to be taking the tiller while Admiral Aloof re-reads his tattered copy of the book "Good to Great."
"And he's got two general counsels," Tokofsky went on.
We've got two school districts too, I said, if you count the mini-district Brewer spun off to L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. And there also seem to be at least two consulting contracts for every problem.
In defense of Brewer, whose name is on a project sign that says "Your School Bond Funds at Work," Arts High was cooked up long before he arrived on the scene.
In fact, The Times reported in 2003 that an ordinary high school with a no-frills budget was being planned until philanthropist Eli Broad lobbied school officials to "redesign the Grand Avenue campus into an elaborate visual and performing arts school" with "a soaring tower." The Times went on to say that it would "cost taxpayers at least $18 million extra and delay construction by a year."
The Times reported that Broad had a behind-the-scenes role in the redesign and the selection of an Austrian architectural firm, and our crack team of reporters noted that the snazzy new high school would nicely complement the Grand Avenue revival that was one of Broad's babies.
Broad denied exerting undue influence over the use of public funds back then, saying he was only trying to help the district build a marquee campus. But the cost of the project has gone from $30 million in 2001 for the standard-issue high school to roughly $200 million more for the new-and-improved version seven years later. The tower rises from a 950-seat performing arts theater, and this part of the project alone is priced at $49 million.
I got a tour of the site Friday morning, with school district officials and architect Karolin Schmidbaur serving as my escorts. The tower calls out and engages the city, Schmidbaur said, asking students and adults to indulge their imaginations.
"It's a symbol," she said, "for dynamic thinking."
If that's the case, I suggest they use the box at the top of the tower as Brewer's new office. Maybe a bird will fly by and tell Admiral Aloof that his job is to educate 700,000 children as if each were his own. That means he's got to inspire teachers, torpedo the deadwood and smack down anyone who stands in his way.
Speaking of the tower, my escorts all seemed to think it would be a good idea for me to climb the rickety staircase to the top. It made me wonder if Mahony was in on a deal to have them push me down the chute and straight into the tomb he's reserving for me in the cathedral catacombs.
The view's not bad up there and, to be honest, the artist's renderings of the arts high school don't look bad. When the school opens in fall of 2009, whether you love or hate the look of it, you're going to talk about it, especially when night falls and it's lit like a beacon.
I don't dismiss the value of investing in a school as a work of public art -- even if it's just a bathtub short of looking like the board game Mouse Trap.
But given the district's budget problems and the extreme needs of roughly 700,000 students, most of whom are poor enough to qualify for reduced-price lunches, a pricey jewel in the glittering Grand Avenue necklace is a badly timed extravagance.
I think I came up with a solution, though, while standing 140 feet off the ground and doing some dynamic thinking of my own.
Can you hear me out there, Mr. Broad?
Reach for the checkbook, pal. At the very least, I'm asking $49 million for the roller coaster.
Or come up with $230 million and we'll call it Eli High.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* by the way, this is an exact description of Aaron Proctor's blog - Proctor for mayor - who describes his blog here:
I’m Aaron Proctor. At the age of 25, I ran for Mayor of Pasadena, California in 2007...I’m 27 years old now and I run this blog. It’s a sometimes acerbic, sometimes serious, always hilarious, profanity laced (I love the 1st Amendment) look at The Pasadena Way.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Lets Invade Everywhere!
[first published: August 5, 2008]
One sees far too much media directed at the issue of Darfur, lately also, at Iran. I am also seeing, way too many "liberals" urging for nothing less than military intervention! What has gotten into them?
Asking the U.S. to invade Darfur (or Iran) is sanctioning warfare as an effective solution.
Haven’t we witnessed the results of this “solution” enough with the Iraq war? Can anyone call this “practical”?
But ok, why not? Lets imagine using Military invasions as solutions to problems - only OUR problems - the ones in our own country for a change.
Lets invade the White House to stop the Bush administration from depleting our treasury and killing our soldiers in the unending Iraq war. Bush and his cabinet could be detained on Guantanamo. This would be of incalculable benefit to our country. Good idea!
Lets invade the offices of the National Rifle Association, whose persistent and well-funded advocacy for gun owners guarantees the prevalence of handguns on our city’s streets and in America’s houses. Imagine how we could reduce the death toll for teenagers with gun control being enforced by the Military. Good idea!
Lets invade the offices of California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger who is currently balancing his State’s budget by stripping billions of dollars from public education, while at the same time building more and more prisons. This would end the financial stripping of California’s schools and be a huge benefit to millions of children. Good idea!
Lets invade the offices of the corporate-controlled, right-wing media who spread lies, half-truths and racism across our nation on a daily basis. Imagine, we could actually get the truth in our news. Good idea!
I am starting to see the value of military invasion in solving our nations problems, now we just have to convince Congress.
One sees far too much media directed at the issue of Darfur, lately also, at Iran. I am also seeing, way too many "liberals" urging for nothing less than military intervention! What has gotten into them?
Asking the U.S. to invade Darfur (or Iran) is sanctioning warfare as an effective solution.
Haven’t we witnessed the results of this “solution” enough with the Iraq war? Can anyone call this “practical”?
But ok, why not? Lets imagine using Military invasions as solutions to problems - only OUR problems - the ones in our own country for a change.
Lets invade the White House to stop the Bush administration from depleting our treasury and killing our soldiers in the unending Iraq war. Bush and his cabinet could be detained on Guantanamo. This would be of incalculable benefit to our country. Good idea!
Lets invade the offices of the National Rifle Association, whose persistent and well-funded advocacy for gun owners guarantees the prevalence of handguns on our city’s streets and in America’s houses. Imagine how we could reduce the death toll for teenagers with gun control being enforced by the Military. Good idea!
Lets invade the offices of California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger who is currently balancing his State’s budget by stripping billions of dollars from public education, while at the same time building more and more prisons. This would end the financial stripping of California’s schools and be a huge benefit to millions of children. Good idea!
Lets invade the offices of the corporate-controlled, right-wing media who spread lies, half-truths and racism across our nation on a daily basis. Imagine, we could actually get the truth in our news. Good idea!
I am starting to see the value of military invasion in solving our nations problems, now we just have to convince Congress.
An Aaron Proctor Sampler
[first published: August 1, 2008]
Lets take a brief look at Aaron Proctor's blog, and so discover WHY I think it is so wrong that Ann Erdman - our city's lead media representative - was eating ribs with him.
[Note: I had vowed to (and who wants to) not have profanities on my blog, but in this case, I think it is necessary to illustrate the world of Unregulated media - and how this adds to the level of unfiltered hate.]
Aaron Proctor has "only":
• Attacked currently seated city councilmen on his blog with obscenities and graphic sexual references.
Sid Tyler’s the only person I know who can piss up a rope.
Think of a hot woman. Sid Tyler banged her.
• He has consistently demeaned the Mayor, and admits to sending him crudely hand-drawn comics (which he posts to his blog) to "rattle" him.
example (image above):
I like to send drawings to Mayor Bogaard. I think it annoys him. It cracks me up, though.
• He published obscenities in the Pasadena Weekly* and on his blog about our Superintendent:
Diaz could have simply contacted me directly to air his grievance. Maybe I should have added “arrogant” to “stupid mother fucker“.
Edwin Diaz, you’re the 2nd Ham And Egger of the week. I think I’ll actually write “You’re a fucking dumb ass” on the award, too.
* In the crazy world of Pasadena media, our Alternative Weekly, is a supporter of Proctor's. Here he openly admits to having Pasadena Weekly's (who gave him a column!) full support:
I also find it hilarious how people think going to reporters at the Weekly to complain about my blog are going to accomplish anything. (Not that Diaz sought out a reporter - I know I just came up in conversation…this time). Maybe they think I’ll get in trouble or something?
• He openly publishes off of hate-monger Rene Amy's blog (who demonstrates his own prissy crudeness here):
So, for decades to come, we’ll be paying off food that’s 30 years old.
Actually, it’s already excrement.
Admins eating off the children’s dime is just the “PUSDville Way,” isn’t it?
• Aaron Proctor even gives a chest-thumping patriotic Rant on the 4th of July (not surprising):
I’m sick and tired of people thinking that just because you love America, just because you’re happy to live in a country with its many positives (and many follies), you’re some beer-swilling redneck who watches NASCAR. I love America and I’m proud to live here and I’m not embarrassed or ashamed to admit that. I don’t think someone should be admitting they love the country they’re in. There’s NOTHING WRONG with being patriotic.
• And he has a host of right-wing political links on his blog:
* Ann Coulter
* Bill O'Reilly
* Brian Fuller For State Assembly (44th)
* California Republican Party
* Charles Hahn For Congress (29th)
* Colbert Nation
* David Dreier For Congress (26th)
* Indecision 2008
* John McCain For President
* Libertarian Party
* Log Cabin Republicans
* Pasadena Republican Club
* The Liberty Committee
• Finally, a survey of issues discussed on his blog reveals PUSD-bashing has a far lead over any other subject. (Why?)
It is important to remember that Proctor (and other hate-bloggers) have not-all-that-long-ago local, historical predecessors, the John Birch Society (whose former Western Headquarters was on Mission Street).
What Martin Luther King said of the John Birchers in 1965, exactly describes our (alarmingly mobilized*) hate-media today:
The Birchers thrive on sneer and smear, on the dissemination of half-truths and outright lies. It would be comfortable to dismiss them as the lunatic fringe—which, by and large, they are; but some priests and ministers have also shown themselves to be among them. The are a very dangerous group—and could become even more dangerous if the public doesn't reject the un-American travesty of patriotism that they espouse.
Playboy interview, 1965
* Could the lack of regulation have anything to do with it?
And yet, hard to believe, but true! Non other than the Public Information Officer for the City of Pasadena, Ann Erdman, finds herself completely comfortable with openly attending (even being photographed at!) Aaron Proctor's parties.
This is wrong!
Lets take a brief look at Aaron Proctor's blog, and so discover WHY I think it is so wrong that Ann Erdman - our city's lead media representative - was eating ribs with him.
[Note: I had vowed to (and who wants to) not have profanities on my blog, but in this case, I think it is necessary to illustrate the world of Unregulated media - and how this adds to the level of unfiltered hate.]
Aaron Proctor has "only":
• Attacked currently seated city councilmen on his blog with obscenities and graphic sexual references.
Sid Tyler’s the only person I know who can piss up a rope.
Think of a hot woman. Sid Tyler banged her.
• He has consistently demeaned the Mayor, and admits to sending him crudely hand-drawn comics (which he posts to his blog) to "rattle" him.
example (image above):
I like to send drawings to Mayor Bogaard. I think it annoys him. It cracks me up, though.
• He published obscenities in the Pasadena Weekly* and on his blog about our Superintendent:
Diaz could have simply contacted me directly to air his grievance. Maybe I should have added “arrogant” to “stupid mother fucker“.
Edwin Diaz, you’re the 2nd Ham And Egger of the week. I think I’ll actually write “You’re a fucking dumb ass” on the award, too.
* In the crazy world of Pasadena media, our Alternative Weekly, is a supporter of Proctor's. Here he openly admits to having Pasadena Weekly's (who gave him a column!) full support:
I also find it hilarious how people think going to reporters at the Weekly to complain about my blog are going to accomplish anything. (Not that Diaz sought out a reporter - I know I just came up in conversation…this time). Maybe they think I’ll get in trouble or something?
• He openly publishes off of hate-monger Rene Amy's blog (who demonstrates his own prissy crudeness here):
So, for decades to come, we’ll be paying off food that’s 30 years old.
Actually, it’s already excrement.
Admins eating off the children’s dime is just the “PUSDville Way,” isn’t it?
• Aaron Proctor even gives a chest-thumping patriotic Rant on the 4th of July (not surprising):
I’m sick and tired of people thinking that just because you love America, just because you’re happy to live in a country with its many positives (and many follies), you’re some beer-swilling redneck who watches NASCAR. I love America and I’m proud to live here and I’m not embarrassed or ashamed to admit that. I don’t think someone should be admitting they love the country they’re in. There’s NOTHING WRONG with being patriotic.
• And he has a host of right-wing political links on his blog:
* Ann Coulter
* Bill O'Reilly
* Brian Fuller For State Assembly (44th)
* California Republican Party
* Charles Hahn For Congress (29th)
* Colbert Nation
* David Dreier For Congress (26th)
* Indecision 2008
* John McCain For President
* Libertarian Party
* Log Cabin Republicans
* Pasadena Republican Club
* The Liberty Committee
• Finally, a survey of issues discussed on his blog reveals PUSD-bashing has a far lead over any other subject. (Why?)
It is important to remember that Proctor (and other hate-bloggers) have not-all-that-long-ago local, historical predecessors, the John Birch Society (whose former Western Headquarters was on Mission Street).
What Martin Luther King said of the John Birchers in 1965, exactly describes our (alarmingly mobilized*) hate-media today:
The Birchers thrive on sneer and smear, on the dissemination of half-truths and outright lies. It would be comfortable to dismiss them as the lunatic fringe—which, by and large, they are; but some priests and ministers have also shown themselves to be among them. The are a very dangerous group—and could become even more dangerous if the public doesn't reject the un-American travesty of patriotism that they espouse.
Playboy interview, 1965
* Could the lack of regulation have anything to do with it?
And yet, hard to believe, but true! Non other than the Public Information Officer for the City of Pasadena, Ann Erdman, finds herself completely comfortable with openly attending (even being photographed at!) Aaron Proctor's parties.
This is wrong!
The Pasadena Weekly, Rene Amy AND Peyton Wolcott
[first published: Thursday, July 31, 2008]
(Image: Peyton Wolcott from her website, subhead "The Nation's 1st & Only Daily Conservative Public Education Commentary"*)
* Wolcott's site displays and cheers nation-wide media "busts" of "corrupt" school district officials. These place Rene Amy in a national context.
Modern Minutemen: Rene Amy
by Peyton Wolcott
Twice named "Editor's Pick Citizen of the Year" by [the] Pasadena Weekly
(Image: Peyton Wolcott from her website, subhead "The Nation's 1st & Only Daily Conservative Public Education Commentary"*)
* Wolcott's site displays and cheers nation-wide media "busts" of "corrupt" school district officials. These place Rene Amy in a national context.
Modern Minutemen: Rene Amy
by Peyton Wolcott
Twice named "Editor's Pick Citizen of the Year" by [the] Pasadena Weekly
The Joker With His New Pal
[first published: July 29, 2008]
Well, look who is here, partying with Aaron Proctor - at 2 separate parties. The top pic is from Aaron's Blogger Party - whose pics have mysteriously vanished from his blog (what? censorship in the land of Libertarian "Free Speech"), lucky I kept this one for my scrapbook.
And here she is again, giving the camera a "Rose Queen wave" on the far right, a guest at his recent birthday party!
Who is "she"? None other than the Public Information Officer for the city of Pasadena, Ann Erdman (yes, she has a blog too).
She does not condemn him - her weak "give him a bar of soap" comment, is not near enough - as she should, in support of her City if nothing else! I say her being there is nothing less than a very real show of support from her.
Ann Erdman's job description is listed on the City of Pasadena website as:
The Public Affairs Division is the information link between city government, the community and the media. It produces the community newsletter Pasadena In Focus, prepares and distributes news releases, answers media inquiries, oversees all programming on 55 KPAS, develops and sells City Hall souvenirs, produces brochures, leaflets, flyers, posters, ads and other literature; plans press conferences; promotes special events; provides media relations and public relations counsel to city departments; and oversees the information kiosk at Pasadena City Hall.
We are in serious trouble at City Hall if their main media person, their "information link between the city...and the community", has so little scruples as to consort with the likes of this modern-day "Bircher" who is violently* attacking her own colleagues at City Hall! Oh yes, and he also sends our Mayor crudely-drawn comics to "rattle" him.
*"Violence of the tongue is very real, sharper than any knife." - Mother Theresa
Not to mention Proctor's profane, racist and savage attacks on our Public School district and his support of right-wing causes and candidates.
Forget W being Batman, Aaron Proctor is our Joker. ("The Joker", said the late Heath Ledger "is a person without empathy").
But how long does he get to run around "Gotham", a whole lot more? Our media (and the City of Pasadena's lead media official) seem to be enjoying him.
Sara Hoge Letter To the Editor
[Reprinted from the Pasadena Star News, July 10, 2008]
In response to your editorial:
I truly believe that the answer to most of our problems in our Country lies in the education of our youth. Global Warming, Alternate Energy, Overloaded Prisons, Jobs that are sent overseas, Medical help for all citizens, failure to own homes, or at least an inability to afford rent. It would seem reasonable to agree that these problems will not be solved in any rapid time table.
Granted these things are costly, but if we add to this expense by turning out students who, because we need to cut costs now, will suffer an inferior education, it will be to our own demise. Sufficient to say it is possible that the uneducated then only adds to our problems. I say we make education of our youth our priority, or we and our children will face the consensus's later with a regret that will be far too late to turn around.
I have not met a single person who need, or wants a hike in property taxes, and nor do I. Yet what I want even less is a society that cannot look forward and act responsibly.
- Sara Hoge
In response to your editorial:
I truly believe that the answer to most of our problems in our Country lies in the education of our youth. Global Warming, Alternate Energy, Overloaded Prisons, Jobs that are sent overseas, Medical help for all citizens, failure to own homes, or at least an inability to afford rent. It would seem reasonable to agree that these problems will not be solved in any rapid time table.
Granted these things are costly, but if we add to this expense by turning out students who, because we need to cut costs now, will suffer an inferior education, it will be to our own demise. Sufficient to say it is possible that the uneducated then only adds to our problems. I say we make education of our youth our priority, or we and our children will face the consensus's later with a regret that will be far too late to turn around.
I have not met a single person who need, or wants a hike in property taxes, and nor do I. Yet what I want even less is a society that cannot look forward and act responsibly.
- Sara Hoge
What's Up With Steve Lopez?
[first published: July 23, 2008]
I don't know what has gotten into Steve Lopez of the L.A. Times lately, but he has joined the crowd of public (I never have read him attack private schools, although I would welcome correcting on this) school "bash"-journalists. (He even wrote a recent column flattering Arnold, come on! no one else has stooped this low.)
Well, at least, I can say, he is not alone.
And my mom Loves this man, and he has been a favorite of hers for years. I know he has many other fans as well and is well-respected.
So I have to ask why does he decides to start attacking none other than the Los Angeles Unified Public School district, as if it is some model of inefficiency, waste and inferior education?
You cannot attack public schools (in this aggressive manner) without attacking, by association, every single student housed within them.
This happens every time sensationalized articles are published demonizing a school district, the kids housed within that district, are demonized by default (see the Christian Kooshian article from the John Muir High student Blazer), by "journalism" just like Lopez's today.
This is wrong! We cannot allow even the possibility to exist that our journalists might be harming children.
The only conscionable conclusion to come to is that Lopez actually thinks he is exposing some "outrages" for the good of the community and schools.
But what is he actually saying? And HOW is he saying it? by sneering to excess? by bash-journalism?
• Here, for example, is a recent article: The design of L.A. Unified's new arts high school is convoluted and costly
example: (of sneering)
Can you hear me out there, Mr. Broad?
Reach for the checkbook, pal. At the very least, I'm asking $49 million for the roller coaster.
Or come up with $230 million and we'll call it Eli High.
• Is he trying to say he doesn't like the Superintendent?
Another example, from a different column Admiral Aloof? Admiral AWOL: (of sneering)
The headline: Admiral Aloof? Admiral AWOL
Did your jaw just drop, dear reader? Are you sitting there wondering how district officials could be so head-slappingly feckless?
You know, I often find myself defending the district against critics who think all problems are attributable to a bloated, entrenched bureaucracy. That's a simplification, I argue.
• Is Lopez trying to say that L.A. Unified is wasting money?
California is 47th out of 50 states in public school spending - I don't think they HAVE money to waste! I hear teachers there tell of nearly-bare library shelves (which is an outrage in a city this literate).
• And today's column is flagrantly flattering Green Dot, after only 3 weeks on the job!
examples: (of sneering)
The headline: Shaping Up - no thanks to L.A. Unified (in print only, online the headline is the more passive "Watts' Locke High School is getting whipped into shape")
I'm visiting what might as well be called Dropout High...
What is up with him? Could the Public School issue, prove the Albatross for yet another prominent Southland journalist?
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Steve Lopez:
Shaping Up - no thanks to L.A. Unified
Watts' Locke High School is getting whipped into shape
Control, discipline and high expectations emerge
Steve Lopez
July 23, 2008
It's almost 8 a.m. on 111th Street in Watts, and here's a scene that could make a cynic faint:
A teenage boy is hustling across the street toward Locke High School while tucking a white shirt into his khaki uniform pants. He wants to pass inspection at the gate.
I'm visiting what might as well be called Dropout High to see if things have changed in the early going since Green Dot Public Schools took it over from Los Angeles Unified. Too soon to tell, for sure. We're only into the third week of summer school, which tends to be mellower than the regular school year and serves only 700 kids instead of the usual 3,000.
The first thing I see after I park and walk onto campus are roughly three dozen tardy kids lined up against a fence just a couple of minutes after the hour, with Assistant Principal Charles Boulden giving them what for. On a megaphone, no less.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he barks, "school starts at 8 o'clock; 8:02 is like 8:14 to us."
Two kids roll their eyes when I ask what they think of their new drill sergeant.
"Nothing's going to change," one tells me while the other nods in agreement.
But they're wearing uniforms. That's a change. And they're about to be marked tardy, then led to their classrooms in small groups.
Other students say this clearly is not the Locke they knew last year.
Sure it's different, says Charles Brown, who will be a senior this fall.
"It's very radical," he says of the uniforms and the discipline.
Senior Lee Jones agrees it's a new day. "There's tighter security and it's more strict" in classrooms and on the yard, with security people everywhere. "They won't even let you in without your shirt tucked in."
There hasn't been a fight yet, says Michael McElveen, another senior. Two weeks without a fight is a good sign at Locke, his pals admit, even if it is usually quieter in summer. The students also agree that the uniform has its advantages -- you don't have to waste time and money on the fashions of the day.
Zeus Cubias, who has taught at Locke for 14 years after graduating from the school and going on to UC Santa Barbara, says the early indicators are encouraging. There were skeptics who said the uniforms alone would doom the experiment. Not only has there been compliance, but only a couple of the boys seem to feel bold enough to test the ban on sagging pants.
But will higher pockets mean higher grades?
"Part of it is setting the right tone," says Cubias. Right off the bat, you step onto campus knowing there's control, discipline and high expectations, and the reality is that's something most kids wanted.
"We had to step up our game, too," Cubias says. "I'm wearing a tie every day now."
Cubias is one of the Locke teachers who originally felt insulted by Green Dot chief Steve Barr's claim that he could do a better job than L.A. Unified. Cubias spoke up about it, telling Barr he and other teachers had made strides despite great challenges.
"Steve Barr's response was that that was exactly the kind of passion he was looking for," says Cubias, who became a convert during the long, acrimonious battle that ended with Green Dot winning support for a takeover.
When school starts in September, only 40 of last year's 120 teachers will still be there. Some left of their own accord; others weren't hired back.
Green Dot has hired 80 new teachers, created a separate and more intensive program for ninth-graders and divided Locke into several academies.
With the help of private donations, class sizes will be kept at about 28 instead of 40. Teachers will have more say on curriculum and teaching methods, and the Green Dot model is thin on administration.
In many ways, it's the antithesis of L.A. Unified, the listing Battleship Bureaucracy, with its staggering dropout rate and glacial pace when it comes to change.
Locke High represents Green Dot's biggest risk and greatest challenge yet. It didn't start a new school with students who chose to attend, as it has in the past. It adopted a massive dysfunctional mess, and if it can turn things around, maybe the lessons can be broadly applied.
Wayne Crawford, longtime Locke dean and head football coach, was another early skeptic even though he felt strongly that with fed-up teachers and inept district leadership, LAUSD was never going to save Locke. Could Green Dot do any better, he wondered, given that it had no history of taking in the most difficult children of derelict parents?
"This summer school is one of the best I've ever had at Locke," says Crawford. "The kids are in class, and it's more structured."
He excuses himself to fill in briefly for a teacher, taking charge immediately and sternly when a student gets up from his desk while others are giggling.
"Have a seat, and don't get silly," he orders the student. "Excuse me, young people. If you're taking a test in here, you should all be focused."
They clam up instantly.
While Cubias is escorting me across campus, he suddenly stops and points to something that can't be seen.
"Serenity," he says.
That's something new. Teachers are letting students out for brief breaks, but the uniformed kids are orderly and quiet. Teacher Tobin Paap says this is a dramatic difference from his Locke teaching experience from 1999 to 2001, after which he left the profession, burned out and demoralized.
"I felt like it was at the height of the craziness," says Paap, 34, who briefly went home to Boston to work for a suburban YMCA. He needed to decompress after the madness at Locke.
"There were hundreds of ditched kids who'd hang out. They'd sit right here," he says, showing me the ramp to the bungalow that was his classroom back then. "They smoked weed, played radios, spray-painted the walls and climbed on the roof."
I figure he's kidding, or at least exaggerating.
Not in the least, Paap says. He documented and reported all of it, but nothing ever happened to the young thugs.
When he returned to teaching in L.A., Paap says, it was with Green Dot. He knew every kid and every counselor -- as well as most of the parents -- so there were consequences when a student acted up. This fall, he'll be stationed in Inglewood. But he thinks Locke is going to be much better off than in the past.
Time will tell, and I'll keep an eye on the progress. But given the tagging and pot-smoking chaos Paap described -- and a dropout rate for which LAUSD should be ashamed -- how can Locke not be better off?
I don't know what has gotten into Steve Lopez of the L.A. Times lately, but he has joined the crowd of public (I never have read him attack private schools, although I would welcome correcting on this) school "bash"-journalists. (He even wrote a recent column flattering Arnold, come on! no one else has stooped this low.)
Well, at least, I can say, he is not alone.
And my mom Loves this man, and he has been a favorite of hers for years. I know he has many other fans as well and is well-respected.
So I have to ask why does he decides to start attacking none other than the Los Angeles Unified Public School district, as if it is some model of inefficiency, waste and inferior education?
You cannot attack public schools (in this aggressive manner) without attacking, by association, every single student housed within them.
This happens every time sensationalized articles are published demonizing a school district, the kids housed within that district, are demonized by default (see the Christian Kooshian article from the John Muir High student Blazer), by "journalism" just like Lopez's today.
This is wrong! We cannot allow even the possibility to exist that our journalists might be harming children.
The only conscionable conclusion to come to is that Lopez actually thinks he is exposing some "outrages" for the good of the community and schools.
But what is he actually saying? And HOW is he saying it? by sneering to excess? by bash-journalism?
• Here, for example, is a recent article: The design of L.A. Unified's new arts high school is convoluted and costly
example: (of sneering)
Can you hear me out there, Mr. Broad?
Reach for the checkbook, pal. At the very least, I'm asking $49 million for the roller coaster.
Or come up with $230 million and we'll call it Eli High.
• Is he trying to say he doesn't like the Superintendent?
Another example, from a different column Admiral Aloof? Admiral AWOL: (of sneering)
The headline: Admiral Aloof? Admiral AWOL
Did your jaw just drop, dear reader? Are you sitting there wondering how district officials could be so head-slappingly feckless?
You know, I often find myself defending the district against critics who think all problems are attributable to a bloated, entrenched bureaucracy. That's a simplification, I argue.
• Is Lopez trying to say that L.A. Unified is wasting money?
California is 47th out of 50 states in public school spending - I don't think they HAVE money to waste! I hear teachers there tell of nearly-bare library shelves (which is an outrage in a city this literate).
• And today's column is flagrantly flattering Green Dot, after only 3 weeks on the job!
examples: (of sneering)
The headline: Shaping Up - no thanks to L.A. Unified (in print only, online the headline is the more passive "Watts' Locke High School is getting whipped into shape")
I'm visiting what might as well be called Dropout High...
What is up with him? Could the Public School issue, prove the Albatross for yet another prominent Southland journalist?
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Steve Lopez:
Shaping Up - no thanks to L.A. Unified
Watts' Locke High School is getting whipped into shape
Control, discipline and high expectations emerge
Steve Lopez
July 23, 2008
It's almost 8 a.m. on 111th Street in Watts, and here's a scene that could make a cynic faint:
A teenage boy is hustling across the street toward Locke High School while tucking a white shirt into his khaki uniform pants. He wants to pass inspection at the gate.
I'm visiting what might as well be called Dropout High to see if things have changed in the early going since Green Dot Public Schools took it over from Los Angeles Unified. Too soon to tell, for sure. We're only into the third week of summer school, which tends to be mellower than the regular school year and serves only 700 kids instead of the usual 3,000.
The first thing I see after I park and walk onto campus are roughly three dozen tardy kids lined up against a fence just a couple of minutes after the hour, with Assistant Principal Charles Boulden giving them what for. On a megaphone, no less.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he barks, "school starts at 8 o'clock; 8:02 is like 8:14 to us."
Two kids roll their eyes when I ask what they think of their new drill sergeant.
"Nothing's going to change," one tells me while the other nods in agreement.
But they're wearing uniforms. That's a change. And they're about to be marked tardy, then led to their classrooms in small groups.
Other students say this clearly is not the Locke they knew last year.
Sure it's different, says Charles Brown, who will be a senior this fall.
"It's very radical," he says of the uniforms and the discipline.
Senior Lee Jones agrees it's a new day. "There's tighter security and it's more strict" in classrooms and on the yard, with security people everywhere. "They won't even let you in without your shirt tucked in."
There hasn't been a fight yet, says Michael McElveen, another senior. Two weeks without a fight is a good sign at Locke, his pals admit, even if it is usually quieter in summer. The students also agree that the uniform has its advantages -- you don't have to waste time and money on the fashions of the day.
Zeus Cubias, who has taught at Locke for 14 years after graduating from the school and going on to UC Santa Barbara, says the early indicators are encouraging. There were skeptics who said the uniforms alone would doom the experiment. Not only has there been compliance, but only a couple of the boys seem to feel bold enough to test the ban on sagging pants.
But will higher pockets mean higher grades?
"Part of it is setting the right tone," says Cubias. Right off the bat, you step onto campus knowing there's control, discipline and high expectations, and the reality is that's something most kids wanted.
"We had to step up our game, too," Cubias says. "I'm wearing a tie every day now."
Cubias is one of the Locke teachers who originally felt insulted by Green Dot chief Steve Barr's claim that he could do a better job than L.A. Unified. Cubias spoke up about it, telling Barr he and other teachers had made strides despite great challenges.
"Steve Barr's response was that that was exactly the kind of passion he was looking for," says Cubias, who became a convert during the long, acrimonious battle that ended with Green Dot winning support for a takeover.
When school starts in September, only 40 of last year's 120 teachers will still be there. Some left of their own accord; others weren't hired back.
Green Dot has hired 80 new teachers, created a separate and more intensive program for ninth-graders and divided Locke into several academies.
With the help of private donations, class sizes will be kept at about 28 instead of 40. Teachers will have more say on curriculum and teaching methods, and the Green Dot model is thin on administration.
In many ways, it's the antithesis of L.A. Unified, the listing Battleship Bureaucracy, with its staggering dropout rate and glacial pace when it comes to change.
Locke High represents Green Dot's biggest risk and greatest challenge yet. It didn't start a new school with students who chose to attend, as it has in the past. It adopted a massive dysfunctional mess, and if it can turn things around, maybe the lessons can be broadly applied.
Wayne Crawford, longtime Locke dean and head football coach, was another early skeptic even though he felt strongly that with fed-up teachers and inept district leadership, LAUSD was never going to save Locke. Could Green Dot do any better, he wondered, given that it had no history of taking in the most difficult children of derelict parents?
"This summer school is one of the best I've ever had at Locke," says Crawford. "The kids are in class, and it's more structured."
He excuses himself to fill in briefly for a teacher, taking charge immediately and sternly when a student gets up from his desk while others are giggling.
"Have a seat, and don't get silly," he orders the student. "Excuse me, young people. If you're taking a test in here, you should all be focused."
They clam up instantly.
While Cubias is escorting me across campus, he suddenly stops and points to something that can't be seen.
"Serenity," he says.
That's something new. Teachers are letting students out for brief breaks, but the uniformed kids are orderly and quiet. Teacher Tobin Paap says this is a dramatic difference from his Locke teaching experience from 1999 to 2001, after which he left the profession, burned out and demoralized.
"I felt like it was at the height of the craziness," says Paap, 34, who briefly went home to Boston to work for a suburban YMCA. He needed to decompress after the madness at Locke.
"There were hundreds of ditched kids who'd hang out. They'd sit right here," he says, showing me the ramp to the bungalow that was his classroom back then. "They smoked weed, played radios, spray-painted the walls and climbed on the roof."
I figure he's kidding, or at least exaggerating.
Not in the least, Paap says. He documented and reported all of it, but nothing ever happened to the young thugs.
When he returned to teaching in L.A., Paap says, it was with Green Dot. He knew every kid and every counselor -- as well as most of the parents -- so there were consequences when a student acted up. This fall, he'll be stationed in Inglewood. But he thinks Locke is going to be much better off than in the past.
Time will tell, and I'll keep an eye on the progress. But given the tagging and pot-smoking chaos Paap described -- and a dropout rate for which LAUSD should be ashamed -- how can Locke not be better off?
[first published: Friday, July 11, 2008]
The question is here, how much will Pasadena stand for?
Its been standing for a lot.
If we really like having our press cavorting with hateful, right-wing extremist media-fiends, well, then I guess, go ahead...
If we really want to have the subject of "Schools" - relegated to the same demonized status as Massage Parlors by our media, well, I guess, go ahead.
Because that is exactly what we have been doing in our local media's coverage of PUSD.
Which has been blatantly horrible AND unfair.
Is THIS how much Pasadena will stand for? Is this how much Pasadena is asking for?
Either way, it is too much!
Decency is an important principle in Pasadena, and decency demands that you do not make schools your newspaper's punching-bag, their "oh my gosh!" column. Schools house children, and they are to be protected by a community. Not exposed to a community's hatred.
Decency demands that we treat each other fairly.
Virginia Hoge
The question is here, how much will Pasadena stand for?
Its been standing for a lot.
If we really like having our press cavorting with hateful, right-wing extremist media-fiends, well, then I guess, go ahead...
If we really want to have the subject of "Schools" - relegated to the same demonized status as Massage Parlors by our media, well, I guess, go ahead.
Because that is exactly what we have been doing in our local media's coverage of PUSD.
Which has been blatantly horrible AND unfair.
Is THIS how much Pasadena will stand for? Is this how much Pasadena is asking for?
Either way, it is too much!
Decency is an important principle in Pasadena, and decency demands that you do not make schools your newspaper's punching-bag, their "oh my gosh!" column. Schools house children, and they are to be protected by a community. Not exposed to a community's hatred.
Decency demands that we treat each other fairly.
Virginia Hoge
Aaron Proctor's Hate Birthday Card
[first published: June 16, 2008]
This came in the mail from Aaron Proctor last week, how nice of him to remember my birthday.
He listed the return address as: Proctor for, 1559 S. Hill Ave., Pasadena, CA 91107 (what was written on the envelope)*
*new info provided in an email from Aaron Proctor: he wrote: "the return address should have been
1559 N Hill Ave #6
Pasadena CA 91104
a/k/a my old apartment building."
[how he acquired my birth date information is unknown]
This came in the mail from Aaron Proctor last week, how nice of him to remember my birthday.
He listed the return address as: Proctor for, 1559 S. Hill Ave., Pasadena, CA 91107 (what was written on the envelope)*
*new info provided in an email from Aaron Proctor: he wrote: "the return address should have been
1559 N Hill Ave #6
Pasadena CA 91104
a/k/a my old apartment building."
[how he acquired my birth date information is unknown]
Aaron Proctor Hate Comment
[first published: May 22, 2008]
- I received this comment from Aaron Proctor yesterday:
"If you think what Rene Amy did was bad*, wait till you see what I write about you on my website tomorrow.
You're insane."
* About one year ago, Rene Amy filed a Public Records Act petition against PUSD to obtain ALL of the emails I had sent the district. Once he received this information, Mr. Amy, took my address from a document attached to an email, and called to the city record's department until they responded to his compliant against my not having a license to run a home office. I got a call one morning from an puzzled city inspector who was having trouble understanding why Mr. Amy was "out to get me". "He hates PUSD" I told him, to which he answered "don't worry, he'll get what he deserves one day".
Amy made sure to fill in his readers on, as usual, his every move:
excerpt from Rene Amy's listserv:
"List members will likely recall that Ms. Hoge has claimed that back in May, she contacted Yahoo! in an unsuccessful effort to quell free speech about PUSD. And now we learn she's part of the paid pack. Surprise? More to come, btw, as I plow through. As might be expected, there are some gems.
These sort of dirty tricks are part of Amy's arsenal of "bomb-blasts". He has performed them for years on PUSD staff.
- I received this comment from Aaron Proctor yesterday:
"If you think what Rene Amy did was bad*, wait till you see what I write about you on my website tomorrow.
You're insane."
* About one year ago, Rene Amy filed a Public Records Act petition against PUSD to obtain ALL of the emails I had sent the district. Once he received this information, Mr. Amy, took my address from a document attached to an email, and called to the city record's department until they responded to his compliant against my not having a license to run a home office. I got a call one morning from an puzzled city inspector who was having trouble understanding why Mr. Amy was "out to get me". "He hates PUSD" I told him, to which he answered "don't worry, he'll get what he deserves one day".
Amy made sure to fill in his readers on, as usual, his every move:
excerpt from Rene Amy's listserv:
"List members will likely recall that Ms. Hoge has claimed that back in May, she contacted Yahoo! in an unsuccessful effort to quell free speech about PUSD. And now we learn she's part of the paid pack. Surprise? More to come, btw, as I plow through. As might be expected, there are some gems.
These sort of dirty tricks are part of Amy's arsenal of "bomb-blasts". He has performed them for years on PUSD staff.
The Darfur Graphics Campaign
[first published: May 2, 3008]
Take it as a "rule of thumb". When you see too many slick graphics associated with a campaign, this spells the involvement of corporate advertising agencies and money. With the Darfur campaign, something is amiss here. Children are dying in Iraq for lack of medical supplies (see below), yet so much initiative, money (and graphic designs) are being fed to the Darfur campaign, where as Carl G. Estabrook notes:
The liberal position is hardly distinguishable from...the Bush administration's position on Darfur
Full article:
Tibor Kalman, who I was fortunate to work with at Interview magazine in 1990, spent part of last years of his life, exposing the profession that had brought him success for its dark side.
Tibor believed that award-winning design was not separate from the entire corporate ethic and argued that “many bad companies have great design.” In 1989, as co-chair with Milton Glaser of the AlGA’s “Dangerous Ideas” conference in San Antonio, he urged designers to question the effects of their work on the environment and refuse to accept any client’s product at face value.
The Darfur campaign has, unfortunately and tragically, become very suspect. Mia Farrow and others, including the huge Save Darfur Coalition, involved in the campaign are blatantly attempting to link Darfur to China and, in sync with Reporters Without Borders, loudly campaigning against the Beijing Olympics, making it a target of their vitriol.
I'm with Jeremy Sapienza how about some priorities reevaluation??
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The battle to save Iraq's children
Doctors issue plea to Tony Blair to end the scandal of medical shortages in the war zone
By Colin Brown
The Independent
The desperate plight of children who are dying in Iraqi hospitals for the lack of simple equipment that in some cases can cost as little as 95p is revealed today in a letter signed by nearly 100 eminent doctors.
They are backed by a group of international lawyers, who say the conditions in hospitals revealed in their letter amount to a breach of the Geneva conventions that require Britain and the US as occupying forces to protect human life.
In a direct appeal to Tony Blair, the doctors describe desperate shortages causing "hundreds" of children to die in hospitals. The signatories include Iraqi doctors, British doctors who have worked in Iraqi hospitals, and leading UK consultants and GPs.
"Sick or injured children who could otherwise be treated by simple means are left to die in hundreds because they do not have access to basic medicines or other resources," the doctors say. "Children who have lost hands, feet and limbs are left without prostheses. Children with grave psychological distress are left untreated," they add.
They say babies are being ventilated with a plastic tube in their noses and dying for want of an oxygen mask, while other babies are dying because of the lack of a phial of vitamin K or sterile needles, all costing about 95p. Hospitals have little hope of stopping fatal infections spreading from baby to baby because of the lack of surgical gloves, which cost about 3.5p a pair.
Among those who have signed the letter are Chris Burns-Cox, a consultant physician at Gloucester Royal Hospital; Dr Maggie Wright, the director of intensive care at James Page University Hospital; Professor Debbie Lawlor, professor of epidemiology and public health at University College London; Professor George Davey Smith, professor of clinical epidemiology at Bristol university; Dr Philip Wilson, senior clinical research fellow at Glasgow University; and Dr Heba al-Naseri, who has experienced the conditions in Iraqi hospitals. Dr al-Naseri, who has worked at Diwaniyah Maternity Hospital and the Diwaniyah University Hospital, describes in harrowing detail what the conditions were like for a newborn baby - one of the lucky ones who survived - called Amin.
"Amin had to be fed powdered milk, diluted with tap water. There wasn't enough money to buy expensive formula milk or bottled water - their price had risen above the increase in wages since 2003. The problems with the intermittent electricity and gas supply meant regular boiled water could not be guaranteed. With the dormant waste and sewage disposal systems, drinking-water is more likely to be contaminated," he said.
Cases the doctors highlight include a child who died because the doctor only had a sterile needle for an adult and could not find a needle small enough to fit the vein, and another child who died because the doctors had no oxygen mask that fitted.
The doctors say the UK, as one of the occupying powers under UN resolution 1483, has to comply with the Geneva and Hague conventions that require the UK and the US to "maintain order and to look after the medical needs of the population". But, the doctors say: "This they failed to do and the knock-on effect of this failure is affecting Iraqi children's hospitals with increasing ferocity."
They call on the UK to account properly for the $33bn (£16.7bn) in the development fund for Iraq which should have supplied the means for hospitals to treat children properly. They say more than half of the money - $14bn - is believed to have vanished through corruption, theft and payments to mercenaries.
They say that all revenues from Iraq's oil exports should now pass directly to the Iraqi people and that illegal contracts entered into by the Coalition Provisional Authority be revoked.
Their letter was supported by experts in international law, including Harvey Goldstein, professor of social statistics at the University of Bristol, and Bill Bowring, a barrister and professor of law at Birkbeck College.
Nicholas Wood, an architect who helped to organise the protest, said they had evidence on film of dead babies being dumped in cardboard boxes. "In one hospital, there were three babies to an incubator. The incubators are 36 years old and are held together by tape and a bit of wire. They are wrecks. They cost about £5,000 each, but that is nothing to compared to the cost of a missile," he said.
The letter was sent to Downing Street via Hilary Benn, the International Development Secretary, by his predecessor, Clare Short.
A system in meltdown
* Save the Children estimate that 59 in 1,000 newborn babies are dying in Iraq, one of the highest mortality rates in the world. Thousands of infants are dying because of the lack of basic cheap equipment. In Diwaniyah hospital, south of Baghdad, one doctor had to try to ventilate a baby with a plastic tube in its nose because he lacked an oxygen mask costing just 95p. The baby died.
* In the same hospital, a baby with a rare illness causing internal bleeding died due to lack of a phial of vitamin K, which would have cost less than £1.
* One doctor in a Baghdad hospital recently tried to save the life of a child with a drip, but he lacked a sterile needle for a child and the child died. The lack of rubber surgical gloves, which cost 3.5p a pair, has hugely increased the risk of infections.
* Premature babies are crammed three to an incubator, when an incubator can be found. An incubator costs about £5,000.
* Only 50 per cent of the pre-war total of doctors remain in Iraq. The US clearout of Ba'ath party members sympathetic to Saddam Hussein after the invasion has led to a breakdown of health administration.
* The British doctors are calling for guarantees of safety to be given to all medical staff in Iraq by the US and British forces. Above all there is a need to stop the militias killing doctors and nurses.
* Hospitals have been bombed and ambulances shot at. Helicopters could be laid on by the US and UK to ferry cases to Jordan, Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia for treatment of acute trauma and disease.
* Doctors are calling on Britain and America to restore at least $2bn (£1bn) of $14bn that has gone missing since the invasion. Part of this sum, lost in corruption or to militias, was earmarked for hospitals.
* Up to 260,000 children may have died since the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
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